Events and Venues FAQs

General information

At the Rotorua Lakes Council meeting on 25 September, elected members voted to transfer the operations of the Sir Howard Morrison Centre, the Energy Events Centre and the attraction and delivery of major events to our CCO, Rotorua NZ. This decision is a ‘lift and shift’ of existing staff and budgets and ownership and maintenance of the actual facilities will remain with Council. The shift will take place on Tuesday 29 October.

RotoruaNZ is a council-controlled organisation that is both the economic development agency and regional tourism organisation for the Rotorua district.

Read our Statement of Intent here.

Sir Howard Morrison Centre

Will there be any changes to the services offered?

Sir Howard Morrison Centre will continue to be a performing arts-focused centre, with the community at its core.

What happens to all existing bookings?

All existing contracted events will be honoured. Going forward, you will see changes to the invoices and eventually changes to the payment process. We will keep you updated when these changes are implemented.

Does the community rate for local promoters hiring a space still apply?

Yes. The community rate for Rotorua ratepayers and rates will still apply and will continue to be reviewed annually.

Does the school discount rate still apply?

Yes. The discount to school hirers still applies.

Does my point of contact at the SHMC remain the same? (E.g Technical services, Event Delivery etc)

Yes. However, you will see a slight change to the email address - from to Existing email addresses will still work in the interim.

Will patrons still buy tickets from Ticketmaster?

Yes. Nothing changes to the purchase path from a customer perspective.

Energy Events Centre

Does my point of contact at the EEC remain the same?

Yes. All numbers remain the same except for email addresses. You will see a slight change to the email address - from rotorualc to rotoruanz. Existing email addresses will still work in the interim.

What happens to all existing bookings with the venue?

All existing bookings will be honoured. Going forward, you will see changes to the invoices and eventually changes to the payment process. We will keep you updated when these changes are implemented.

Will the EEC continue to provide a community rate for community events?

Yes. The community rate for Rotorua ratepayers and rates will still apply and will continue to be reviewed annually.

I’m a supplier to the EEC, do I need to fill in any forms to reconfirm my commitment?

We’ll be contact all suppliers directly to get them set up in the RotoruaNZ system…

What are the payment policies for RotoruaNZ?  How quickly will my invoice be paid?  

RotoruaNZ operates on the same payment policy as RLC unless there’s a specific arrangement in place.

Will my deposits transfer over?


Business Events

How will the convention bureau ensure all venues continue to be promoted as part of the destinations offerings?

RotoruaNZ will continue to take a client-led approach and ensure a range of options are presented to the client based on the best-fit for the event.